Friday, March 23, 2007

Polar Bear SOS Campaign

I received an email from Natural Resources Defence Council today. Here's what the power of the people can do:

Dear nienming,

As a new NRDC activist, we thought you'd like to see the power of NRDC and its 1.2 million Members and activists in action -- by watching our new TV ad that is broadcasting the polar bear's desperate S.O.S. across America.

In just ten days, thousands of people donated the $300,000 needed to run our ad -- which has been running during prime viewing hours this week and was seen by millions of Americans.

We're on the air at a crucial moment -- because April 9 is the last day that the Bush Administration is taking public comments on a plan for polar bear protection.

We've got to make sure the Administration feels overwhelming pressure to safeguard the polar bear and its habitat -- and that's exactly the kind of pressure our ad will generate.

Thank you for joining our NRDC activist network -- and "stay tuned" for more updates on our Polar Bear S.O.S. campaign in the critical weeks ahead.

Frances Beinecke
Natural Resources Defense Council

Saturday, March 10, 2007

RE-discovering my Roots..

Funny how things go one big round sometimes...

For my "Investigating Interiority" class, we were told to write a paper on REmodeled/ REstored/ REnovated (however u like to call it) buildings by architects, and analyze if they followed a time-based design concept on the buildings such that a "new life" is breathed into them again, and will continue to evolve and withstand the test of time and change.
Sounds abstract? i suppose, but it actually makes a lot of sense, and its concept is actually alot more important in this day and age where we are ever more likely to slip away from our past.

In my case, no other buildings in the world would interest me in as emotionally-attached a way as the characteristic traditional shophouses scattered across my homeland Singapore. The great challenge and irony though, was to find articles and resources to support my study on them when i'm thousands of miles away from what used to be at my doorstep, and after tedious search over the internet and libraries, my research has finally taken some root...hell, i had just spent over 6 hrs straight going through websites again and thousands of old photographs from the Singapore Archives....but!! the discovery was was like seeing the pages of history unfold, and places i never thought twice before suddenly have whole interesting stories behind them..

Hill Street Police Station along River Valley Rd_1930s

Raffles Place_1920

Preservation of shophouse along Chinatown_1989

Wayang Show at Syed Alwi Road_1980s

Photo sources: The National Archives of Singapore
Other websites of interest:; Historic Chinese Architecture in Singapore

After that unexpected overtime, i continued into the night preparing my internship resume until i stumbled into my own "archive" of poems i had written during certain spur of the moments in the past..
Thus the creation of a new blog! Ha..don't need to faint, it's just meant to be a virtual archive for anyone who wishes to include theirs in as well, all in the good (and usual) name of inspiration...that's what gives life it's meaning, no? So check it out...and contribute, pretty please!

Earth's Children_sPur Of thE moMentS

[Poem below is dedicated to the courage of those who dare to alter the fate of others, even if it means throwing theirs to the wind... ]


A swirl of sand danced, with the rising wind,
In the blazing dusk, a brutal chill sets in.
Two bony, scorched feet paused in mid-walk,
Same lifeless eyes, to the ground they were locked.
A baby’s whimper erupted from below,
Gnawing Her dead skin and Her even blacker soul.
Time stood still, but finally She bends…

In Her arms She now carries a new weight,
Away from survival, and into the arms of Fate.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

All in a Day's Lessons..

Nothing out of the ordinary happened today - i joined a "Shelter & Settlement" workshop by a professor in the morning, attended my weekly class of "Building Systems for Interior Designers" in the afternoon, read articles in the evening for my "Investigating Interiority" class this friday and just finished watching a movie called Fahrenheit 9/11 an hour ago.
Except that the lessons which spun out from them are so reveling to me that i need this moment to digest and regurgitate...even if it means burning another midnight oil..

Lesson #1:
The lecturer who conducted the "Shelter & Settlement" workshop this morning is an architect actively involved in such works for poor and disaster-struck communities found mostly in developing or third world countries. I had really wanted to take up his studio for this semester, but got balloted into my second choice instead - Ambulatory Healthcare Design, which i'll fill you in next time. But for now, i'm just grateful that i get to be immersed in an environment where there are people who critically examine the roles and integrity of designers towards a greater community in the past, present n beyond - an environment that's still much lacking back home.

Something that had always troubled my conscience way back when i was still grappling with the wisdom of entering a sector as "vain & frivolous" as design - to which the recent India trip just sparked another jab of resolution and resolve - had finally been cast in clearer light after today's workshop. Deciding to pursue my interest with the resolve of using this expertise to contribute meaningfully back to the society at large and not just the elite is one thing; knowing the realistic path to achieve that is a whole another.
Today, i had the guidance and inspiration from a predecessor, and though the path is far from easy, it's at least a clearer and more tangible path i know i can take. In one of the lecturer's words: From RIGOUR to RELEVANCE - do you want to be architects or designers who exhibit their skills in the elite, cushioned sector to make "designer names" for themselves, or do your want to be one who contributes with a team of concerned others for the greater good of nature and society? In the past, designers mostly reached out to the greater public through the government channel, which dictated much of the strategy and vision. Our time now doesnt allow the designers to wait for good governance to come before they can help the society. They have to start empowering themselves and step forward, as private bodies if not as individuals, and apply pressure for change from these governments through dedicated providence of their vision, expertise and commitment. I'm proud to say that even in a country as small and young as Singapore, we have a few such visionary architects to count on.

Below is an article i was appalled and saddened by. Instead of learning from past mistakes made by other developed societies, such developing countries have chosen the same mistaken routes in a blind pursuit of overnight success and status, driven by chronic deprivation and poverty. We all know it's "human nature", but who suffers most in the end? The massive majority of its population - the deprived and the how senseless is that?

Lesson #2:
The classes and articles i read today gave me, again, one of those moments of revelation since my studies here intricately art & design are weaved into the web of social, economic, ecological and consequently political structures. They add to the growing list of factors which convince me that design is NEVER meant to be "vain & frivolous". Art is open to many interpretations, but i think the quintessential elements that matter most to me are Freedom, Honesty & Living.

In a world where quantifiable mechanisms such as engineering & construction work are still quick targets of criticism when buildings or infrastructure flaws appear, the fact that preventive and sustainable measures could have made a difference alludes to the importance of design.

I am growing in belief that as societies evolve alongside a growing ecological crisis, design leads the pack amongst technology and innovation, propelling and being propelled by the forces of nature and man in a never-ending cycle. Below is my most recent (which u can guess that's today) interpretation of design evolution at work:

Lesson #3:

I heard much about the movie before finally having the chance to watch it today...and naturally, i had my reservations about how effective or objective the movie was, and how convincing it's storyline was going to be. I was not prepared though, for the tears of helplessness and vexation that followed the scenes of war and disaster...i'm sure one never can be. To me, the achievement of this film lies in its humanistic yet strivingly neutral portrayal of the war. For the first time, faces of war and its tragedy were captured through personal witnessing and experiences BEFORE, DURING and AFTER the advent of war, as compared to impersonal documentaries of war in the historical context in the past.
If you have the time, do read this national geographic article for an insightful look at the war:

Another thing which struck me is the extreme farce of freedom and democracy Ameri
ca, n many other democratic nations for that matter, so proudly represented itself. A powerful nation's creed inevitably still falls vulnerable in the hands of its own people. Michael Moore's initial lone fight (in a collective sense with his crew) for its revival is the only proof of its potential strength; for without persistent investigations into the system, committed search for the truth, and calculated strategic steps to expose them, what's the good use of undying patriotism and courage the entire american population speaks so readily but blindly about? Of course, not all fault lies in this fact, hardly at all, when one cannot even begin to imagine the audacity their president (& his "partners in crime " including the "freedom press") has to betray so cruelly his very own people, let alone the rest of humankind. ALL wars end up meaningless and tragic, however noble or critical it started out to be. How this war "stood out" above the rest was the full-blown deceit to the nation's own people. This is by far the most publically-exposed example of how an ambitious government manipulates the hearts and minds of the community to fortify its power, feed its greed and rid itself of enemies in a "legal" manner.

Interestingly, it occurred to me where the root of all such corrupted, heartless political (and non-political) bodies IN POWER possibly lies...what in God's name made them to become wolves in sheep's skins and turn their back on the very people who supported and brought them to power? The answer is ironically the same as that which dates back to the times of kingdoms and emporerships, isnt it? Much to the chagrin of all that noble talk about modern civilization and people-elected governments, the fact is these people no longer needs to bow down to anyone above. They become their own gods. With power and money, they can protect themselves under packs of lies; they can buy popularity and support; they can buy or crush the weak hearts of many who wish to take their place. But this is where the greatest irony lies: That these few inhumane humans can continue to play their games up there only because the majority of their people are quietly (albeit ignorantly) accepting their fates in life, and fueling their sources. When one is down and out, one naturally learns about humility and faith. People do not accept poverty and hardships because they can live with it; they accept them because they believe that their leaders, if not their gods would see them through. Only if even such hope is being deprived will they start fighting back. So basically, the better the culprits can "puppeteerise" its people, the longer they get to live their high lives.

For all its "entertainment" values, I hope people who've watched Fahrenheit 9/11 will not let the furore die down with time like most blockbusters do...I speak for myself too. Cos we're humans after takes effort and reminders to kick that habit. And if u find my tone over harsh n unfounded here, perhaps it is..cos who can really judge what's right n wrong anyway? But if even just 10% of this movie reflects the truth, then reality is way harsher. When the entire nation is against the war, how democratic can a government be by plunging ahead?

Ironically, i'm writing this in the long aftermath of the movie's 2004 furore.
I may be one of the last few to take this long to watch Fahrenheit 9/11...unless you are too?

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Thank You Speech

Perhaps it's the Oscar fever, or my excitement over the opportunities of blogs (very "swagu" i know)..but most likely it's due to the long-bottled up feelings of gratitude and blessedness i've accumulated since my life began; i have again, suddenly the overwhelming urge to finally materialize this imaginary list of people in my life whom i have alot to thank for(cos who knows if i'll still be around tomorrow??), so here it is, in rough chronological order:

To my Dad:
You've been a pillar of support & guidance all my life. Thank you for respecting my choices in life, for providing the wisdom & resources that allowed me to develop into who i am and who i can be, and for being able to take care of the whole family so well that it grants me the freedom to pursue my own dreams.

To my Mom:
You're the best mother, kindest person, most generous-hearted woman and most dependable friend a girl can ask for...I'm truly proud when people liken me to you...please believe me!!

To my Siblings:

I cannot imagine anyone else more fun, inspiring, and humbling to grow up with. So sorry if i was ever a bad example..

Special note to my Twin:
Twinny, you're MORE than my arms and legs combined....need i say more? Let's continue to walk the rest of the journey together, and into our next lives, haha.

To my Grandma:

To my 二叔:
Thank you for taking such good care of me and grandma everytime i'm in Taiwan...i feel much much indebted.

To my Singapore & Taiwan Family:

Thank you for being part of my family's lives and dramas and showering much concern and support all this while!

To my Singapore & Taiwan Friends:

Thank you for letting me into your lives at one point or another - adding so much colour and richness into my otherwise too-simple life...these memories alone will be enough to fuel our friendships for a long long time to come...

To my Friends & Family in Japan:

To my closest Pals:
You know who you are...thank you for growing up with me, for being the bright (& wacky) sparks in my life, and for offering your sisterhoods so unconditionally. You can be sure I reciprocate that!

To Dr Vincent Tan of the NUS Mech. Engineering Dept. & Connie Puar of HBA:
Thank you for the encouragement and belief in me, helping me out when i was at crossroads not too long ago. Will definitely drop by to say hi in the near future...Best wishes!

To the driving forces behind id illustrated:
Thank you for introducing me into the world of design and showing me the ropes so patiently. I am honoured to be trained by and to work alongside all of you during those green years. All the best.

Thank you for the chance to earn my dream degree, and for opening my eyes to the values and inspirations behind architecture & design. Special thanks to Morten Lund - for showing me how one celebrates life and living in itself.

To all the Friends & Family i've made in USA & other parts of the World (Scandinavia, Europe & India):
It has been great fun and comfort knowing you're my closest and most frequent connections now! Thank you to the families who always welcomed me with open arms into their homes...especially those who had never even met me before! Sorry for the trouble time and again.

Finally, To the Inexplicable Forces that made everything possible:

Thank you very much.

No regrets now =)

Incredible India - Reflections

The experience of India was intense...everyday unfolds one story after another.
In every story, there's always a moral. Hopefully among those that i'm about to share, you'll find at least one that touches your heart...enough to set you thinking, and then doing.

The Man-Powered India:

We went to the St. Francis Church (1st European church in India by the Portuguese), and found out what these panelled drapes were for - it swings like a fan when pulled from the outside through the church windows via attached strings, to create man-made breezes for the church-goers...the invention is both highly original & incredulous...the thought of a few indian man standing outside under the hottest summer sun to swing these huge fans for some gentle breeze inside is just too crazy! Thank goodness electric fans were later installed...

Still, with a population of 1.1 billion, it'll be quite senseless not to find most tasks dominated by manual labor...tasks that city people have taken for granted since machines were introduced into our lives:

Traditional fishing nets

Goods transportation

Using One's Head

Somehow, in india, this man-powered society appear to work out fine even in the urban, sub-urban fact, they seem to be the "invisible network" that weaves through the entire city fabric - providing cheap yet efficient labor, ensuring the survival of both the demanding economy and their own livelihoods.

To be continued...

Incredible India - Visual Journey

04-29 Jan 2007:
We visited in chronological order the following main cities of India: Cochin, Goa, Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Udaipur, Jodhpur, Jaipur, Agra & Delhi, where we discovered what India is made of - the city & countryside, the young & old, the rich & poor, the blessed & cursed, the beautiful & ugly, the clean & dirty, the charms & chaos...
- In a nutshell, India is a whirlwind of "Contrast & Contradictions" !!