Dear nienming,
As a new NRDC activist, we thought you'd like to see the power of NRDC and its 1.2 million Members and activists in action -- by watching our new TV ad that is broadcasting the polar bear's desperate S.O.S. across America.
In just ten days, thousands of people donated the $300,000 needed to run our ad -- which has been running during prime viewing hours this week and was seen by millions of Americans.
We're on the air at a crucial moment -- because April 9 is the last day that the Bush Administration is taking public comments on a plan for polar bear protection.
We've got to make sure the Administration feels overwhelming pressure to safeguard the polar bear and its habitat -- and that's exactly the kind of pressure our ad will generate.
Thank you for joining our NRDC activist network -- and "stay tuned" for more updates on our Polar Bear S.O.S. campaign in the critical weeks ahead.

Frances Beinecke
Natural Resources Defense Council