Dear sirs and madams,
we may all harbour different viewpoints and credibility towards what's happening in the world today. But one thing remains the same: we're all living on the same planet, n this is the only home we have. Pointing fingers, deciding who's superior n who's not, n thinking how irrelevant our existence is towards climate change is not going to change the fact that our home is being threatened. Pretty soon, we may start a civil war on mother earth.
We may not be scientists, environmentalists or political leaders, but we are the earth's tenants, each n everyone of us. So minuscule or insignificant our efforts of living more responsibly each day may seem, but it's the spirit that's important. The spirit of repaying the land we stand on, the spirit of passing down the same spirit onto the next generation, so that appreciation for what we have is strengthened, not eroded.
I will do what i can, so long as i'm living on this planet. I'm sure all of us will too. But lets do it sooner rather than later.
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